Friday, September 27, 2024

Two Ways of Believing

Martin Luther wrote, "There are two ways of believing. One way is to believe about God, as I do when I believe that what is said of God is true; This faith is knowledge or observation rather than faith. The other way is to believe in God, as I do when I not only believe that what is said about Him is true, but put my trust in Him, surrender myself to Him, and make bold to deal with Him, believing that without doubt that He will be to me and do to me just what is said of Him."

Jesus said, You believe in God, believe also in Me (John 14:1). That's our relationship of trust in God. We surrender our lives to God. Faith in God is taking Him at His word. Luther defined believing in God as believing without doubt that He will be to me and do to me just what is said of Him. 

Martin Luther warned those who only believe about God. It is only mental assent that there is a God. It is not believing in God, which is a personal trust in God. Faith in God receives the promises of His word. Believing in God depends upon Him to do what He has promised.

Believing about God cannot save anyone. You believe there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe and tremble (James 2:19). Here is a warning for those who only believe about God. It is a call to truly believe in God.