Salvation That's Real

John MacArthur wrote that "real salvation is not only justification. Salvation cannot be isolated from regeneration, sanctification, and ultimately glorification. Salvation is the work of God through which we are 'conformed to the image of His Son" (Romans 8:29).

Salvation is not by what we have done for God, but what he has done for us, and what he is doing in us through Christ Jesus our Lord. MacArthur summarized it in these words: "Salvation is the work of God." That's why we gladly proclaim that it's by God's grace in our Lord Jesus Christ.

As sinners, we could never justify ourselves. However, in Christ we are freely justified from all sin.  We could never regenerate nor sanctify ourselves. Yet, we are certainly regenerated by the Spirit of God, unto faith in Christ.  God's work of salvation is completed, when He glorifies us in that day unto the image of Christ (Philippians 1:6).

Salvation is God's work in Christ. Let us give God all the glory today, tomorrow, and forever! Glory to God the Father, who chose us with love in Christ (Ephesians 1:4-6). Glory to God the Son, who loved us and gave Himself for us at the cross. His blood saves us from sin and condemnation. His blood sets us apart as God's people, which is our sanctification. Glory to God the Holy Spirit who regenerated us unto new birth, and He shall glorify us into the image of Christ.