Sunday, March 5, 2023

Our Great Teacher

Charles H. Spurgeon wrote, "No man can know Jesus Christ unless he is taught by God. Tell me not of systems of divinity, of schemes of theology, of infallible commentators, of the most learned people, or of the most arrogant doctors, but tell me of the great Teacher who will instruct the sons of God and make us wise to understand all things. The Holy Spirit is the Teacher." 

The Holy Spirit is our great Teacher of truth. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would guide his disciples into all truth (John 8:31-32; 16:13). While the Spirit of God gives pastors and other teachers the ability to minister the word of truth, yet he alone is the great Teacher. He is the one who inspired the Holy Scripture. Believers are taught by the Holy Spirit to understand the Bible.

The Holy Spirit reveals the Lord Jesus Christ to all who are born again. He teaches you about the only one who can take away your sins, Jesus the crucified one. He teaches you to confess Jesus is Lord (1 Corinthians 12:3). The Holy Spirit teaches you about the only one who could change your heart, Jesus and the power of his resurrection (Romans. 10:9). His teaching always glorifies Jesus, the Son of God, according to the Scripture (John 16:14).

The Holy Spirit teaches us more and more about Jesus. Our prayer should be: "Spirit of God my teacher be, showing the things of Christ to me." That's the way God teaches every believer in Christ.