God's Grace Received

God's grace is received through the Gospel (Romans 1:16). The Gospel is the power of God changing our lives through Christ our Lord. So many look to laws and rules to change people and society. The law may dictate how we should live, what we should do, or not do. Nevertheless, the law is powerless to change the hearts and lives of people.

Grace is received as the gift of God. Grace is far more than a theological term or a religious song. Grace is God Himself. He is the God of all grace. Grace is undeserved favor that we can never earn nor merit. Grace is the gift of God, and not of our works (Ephesians 2:8-9). 

Grace is received through regeneration of the Holy Spirit. That is new birth (Titus 3:5). Grace changes us from within. Grace renews your mind, taking away the guilt of conscience, and renews your will to do God's good will. The law of God tells what we ought to be; the grace of God makes us what we ought to be.

Grace is received by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Grace gives us the unmerited favor of God through Jesus Christ. "And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace" (John 1:16). Receiving Jesus Christ is the fullness of grace to change us. Believing Christ is receiving Christ (John 1:11-12). Grace freely saves us through faith in Christ.