Providence in Life

Providence is God's work in the details of life. God's eternal purpose was foreordained before time began. God's providence works in time and history. Providence in your life does not exclude personal choices and actions. God's providence in your life works concurrently with your choices and actions.

Providence is what God has foreordained before time began (Romans 8:28-30; Ephesians 1:4-6; 2:10). All that God has foreordained works concurrently with your choices (Philippians 2:12-13). What God has foreordained works together for good to those who love Him and for His glory. Those good things are experienced in the lives of God's people through providence.

God's providence in life does not take away your choice. God allows us to make choices, even bad choices. He neither condones nor approves sin. Yet, the providence of God works to bring good out of evil and glory to God's justice, love, and mercy. Providence assures every believer that God is at work in all the details of our lives. Providence is for your good and God's glory (Genesis 50:20-21; Romans 11:36).

Providence was God's work in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. His death on the cross for every believer's sin was determined before time began (1 Peter 1:20; Revelation 13:8). The determinate counsel of God was providence in Jesus Christ, as the Savior for all who believe (Acts 2:23). God foreknows His people in Christ, yet the gospel is offered freely to all (Romans 8:29; 10:13).