Christ Our Only Hope

Charles Spurgeon testified, "My sole hope for heaven lies in the full atonement that Jesus made for the ungodly on Calvary's cross. I firmly rely on this truth. I do not see even the shadow of hope in anything else, anyone else, or anywhere else." 

Spurgeon faithfully preached the gospel of Jesus Christ. He preached Christ crucified as the full atonement. God the Father forever affirmed the atonement in the resurrection of Christ. It is the gospel of your salvation (Romans 1:16; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Your only hope is not found in anything else, anyone else, or anywhere else (Acts 4:12). Your only hope is relying completely upon Jesus Christ crucified and risen for our salvation.

The sacrifice of Jesus at the cross is your only hope for complete, total, and final salvation. Old Testament sacrifices were continuously repeated and never took away sin (Hebrews 10:1-4). They pointed toward the only one who would make the full atonement, even Christ Jesus our Lord. Rely only upon the atonement of Christ crucified to take away all your sins.

The blood of Jesus takes away all your sina as a believer (1 John 1:7). The truth of Christ in the gospel justifies any sinner and every sinner who is trusting in Christ alone for full salvation. The sacrifice of Jesus at the cross is your only hope for complete, total, and final salvation.