Monday, September 16, 2024

Who Is Christ to You?

Charles Spurgeon wrote: "Jesus will never betray the confidence we place in Him. As you place your faith and trust in Him, remember that He is made unto us 'wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption" (1 Corinthians 1:30). 

Is Christ your wisdom? He is every believer's Counselor, sharing with us the wisdom of God. His words in Scripture speak wisdom and counsel for our life situations. He speaks wisdom to us, as we read His words in the Bible.

Is Christ your righteousness? Self-righteousness will never please God. By faith in Christ, the believer receives the only righteousness that can possibly please God. We become righteous by faith in Christ alone. We are the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Is Christ your sanctification? Trying to sanctify yourself is nothing more than self-righteousness. Only the blood of Christ and the Spirit of Christ can surely sanctify us before God. Jesus Christ alone is our sanctification.

Is Christ your redemption? He paid the price to set us free from the curse of sin and condemnation. It is nothing but the blood of Jesus. As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are blood bought. Jesus paid it all.