Monday, September 9, 2024

Sure Word of Prophecy

Prophecy in the Bible includes the end time. It must certainly come to pass (Matt. 24:1-2; Luke 21:9; Rev. 1:1). In a word, it is infallible. Prophecy of Holy Scripture is infallible simply because God is infallible. He knows the end from the beginning. God's word of prophecy cannot fail.

There are two types of prophecy in the Bible, conditional and unconditional. The prophecy of Jesus about the end time is unconditional. However, other prophecies, such as Jonah's prophecy to Nineveh, was conditional. The prophesied judgment on Nineveh was averted, because the people repented (Jonah 3:5-10). Prophecy was God's mercy and patience allowing them to respond to the warning. God has not changed. He is merciful and patient today.

Jesus prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple decades before it happened (Luke 21:20-23). That prophecy was fulfilled in 70 A.D. Believers took the warning from Jesus and fled the city as the Roman army approached. Their lives were spared. Yet, according to the historian Josephus, more than a million Jews died in the destruction. Likewise, believers today take the end time prophecy of Jesus as sure to come.

Prophecy in the Bible is comfort and hope for the people of God today. Every believer should rest assured that God Almighty rules over the circumstances of our lives. His prophetic word in the Bible is infallible. Jesus is coming again. Our future is certain and our hope is sure. It's based upon a God's word of prophecy.