Saturday, February 10, 2024

Why We Should Pray

Wayne Grudem wrote, "God does not want us to pray so that he can find out what we need, for Jesus said, 'Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.' Instead, God wants us to pray so that our dependence on him can increase."

Grudem was right. We never pray to inform God about anything. He knows all things, the end from the beginning. He certainly knows every need we have or ever shall have. He knows what we need before we ask him. He is omniscient, knowing all that has been, shall be or could have been.

Dr. Grudem taught that we should pray to express our dependence upon God. We are not self-sufficient. We are more aware of our dependence upon God through trials, temptation, and difficult days. Prayer  depends on God to supply our needs (Matthew 6:11).

Prayer includes adoration, confession and thanksgiving to God. Yet, you also come to God most often to express your dependence upon him. In those times, you make your requests known unto God. You admit your need and seek God's help. You ask God to supply your need according to his will. Prayer is the way to express your dependence on God.

Grudem maintains that "God wants us to pray so that our dependence on him can increase." We are totally dependent on God. It's in him that we live and move, and have our being (Acts 17:28). Prayer is expressing your dependence upon God, knowing that he shall supply your needs (Philippians 4:19).